
Disable an ASP.NET button during PostBack with AJAX loading background image


Page_IsValid is undefined - JavaScript error message


Disable an ASP.NET button after clicking


Disabling an ASP.NET Button when Clicked


Disable Multiple Button Click in


Disable submit button after user click


Disable submit button after user click

Disable Multiple Button Click in

Disabling an ASP.NET Button when Clicked

Disable an ASP.NET button after clicking

Page_IsValid is undefined - JavaScript error message

Disable an ASP.NET button during PostBack with AJAX loading background image

There are times when our applications might take an extra few seconds to respond to a click event. Some users might get impatient and click on the button more than once. We can easily avoid this type of situation by disabling the submit button during PostBack on the page by using a client side script. See sample below.

Demo 1 - With ValidatorsDemo 2 - Without ValidatorsDemo 3-Image ButtonDemo 4 - Invisible Controls